【製作人/編舞家】 林秀偉


法國費加洛日報評為:「是在碧娜.鮑許,羅伯.威爾森之外,看到一些很有魅力的新東西。」 德國國際舞蹈雜誌撰稿的巴黎舞評家約翰馬克亞道夫說:「和日本舞踏十分不同,在舞蹈的圖像中,我感受到無以言喻的精神力量。」
「太古踏舞團」,發表作品有《世紀末神話》、《生之曼陀羅》、《五色羅盤》、《無盡胎藏》、《詩與花的獨言》、《感官之舞》、《飛天》、《朝聖Ⅰ-巫的世界》以及《太陽之舞》、《夢想國度》等十餘齣作品,並且數度應邀國際藝術節之邀約出國演出。二○○三年獲來自美國首屈一指的舞蹈殿堂The Joyce Theater 的邀舞,太古踏舞團脫穎而出。二○○四年赴加拿大國家藝術中心、多倫多、蒙特婁國際舞蹈節公演,贏得十場全體觀眾起立謝幕殊榮,二○○六年應邀赴韓國首爾藝術團編舞。
林秀偉同時兼任當代傳奇劇場製作人,長期擔任戲劇肢體及編舞工作,並於一九九三年七月擔任《樓蘭女》總導演。以濃厚神秘色彩及趨向舞蹈形式,詮釋希臘悲劇《美蒂亞》,製作作品有:《慾望城國》、《王子復仇記》、《無限江山》、《樓蘭女》、《奧瑞斯提亞》、《李爾在此》……等。曾擔任諾貝爾文學獎得主高行健作品《八月雪》一劇編舞,華文漪全本崑劇《牡丹亭》,胡金銓導演舞台劇《蝴蝶夢》編舞。 近年,林秀偉除了創作和編舞外,也成立「林秀偉舞蹈花園」,推展各種幼兒、兒童、成人舞蹈課程。
LIN Hsiu-Wei  Written / Producer / Choreographer LIN Hsiu-wei, the producer, is the choreographer, artistic director of Tai-Gu Tale Dance Theatre. Ms. Lin graduated from the Chinese Cultural College in Taipei, Taiwan, with a degree in Dance performance. She was a principal dancer in the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre from 1975 to 1985, where she received different professional dance trainings, such as ballet training of Martha Graham and Limon’s dance style, as well as Chinese opera movements and gestures. In 1986, Ms. Lin was invited to participate, and also perform the solo dance Nu-Ua, in the American Dance Festival. In 1987 she received a Fulbright Scholarship and studied in New York for half a year. Ms. Lin tries to be free from all the traditional and ballet trainings, as well as techniques of modern dance. She aims to go deep inside her own body and to find her own world of dancing. Tai-Gu Tale Dance Theatre was founded on the basis of spirit. Since 1986, Ms. Lin has also worked as the producer and the administrative director of Contemporary Legend Theatre, in charge of repertoire management and choreography. Until present, she has produced more than 13 productions, including an adaptation of Medea, and some of them were invited to present in international theatre festivals.